sex and the city

Watch HBO's Girls Season 3 Trailer and a personal post

Candy WashingtonComment

I was a huge fan of the first season of HBO's GIRLS and I even had the pleasure of attending a NYLON event featuring Jennifer Rogien, who is the costume director of the show. But I have to admit that the second season lost that special something about being a young 20-something year old young woman trying to come into her own in New York City, and, dare I say it, was trying a bit too hard.

To me, the first season of GIRLS was a breath of fresh air and really spoke to me - I could laugh, cry, and most importantly, I could relate. As almost a prelude to Sex & the City, I found that the show was able to create characters with very unique and distinctive point-of-views (thank you Lena Dunham) but I was still able to find shades of myself within each character. I'm a bit of a neurotic like Hannah and Carrie, a bit of a control freak like Marnie and Miranda, a big dreamer and optimist like Shosannah and Charlotte, and emotionally guarded when it comes to relationships like Jessa and Samantha. But at the core, we are all the same: loyal, fierce, strong, and constantly seeking.

After watching the trailer for season 3, I got super excited for the episodes to come. GIRLS, for the minute and a half that was released in the trailer, seems to have found its way back to its roots that turned me, and millions of other women and men, into the super fan that I was when it first came out of the gate in season 1.

"I hate this. Yeah, but you know what Adam? It's really liberating saying no to sh*t you hate." Amen Hannah, and welcome back.